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Expect more torrential rains in April - UNMA

Courtesy photo {photo credit-internet}

By Jose Kabale

The Uganda National Metrological Authority (UNMA), a government agency mandated to inform and guide the nation about weather and climate changes, has warned the public about a most likely enhanced rainfall than the usual over most parts of the country.

In a Press statement published on April 3rd, 2024, UNMA stated that the month of April shall be characterized by peak seasonal rainfall (Above - Normal) for March, April and May season which will be associated with thunderstorms and lightning over most parts of the country.

According to UNMA, the Prime causes of this is attributed to the weakening state of the El-Nino episode (the Pacific Warm Pool), the intensification of the intra-seasonal variation of Madden Julian Osciliations (MJO),the current neutral phase of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), the orientation of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) over the country and the contribution of the local physical features like inland water bodies.

Additionally, the expected mean temperature over most parts of the country is likely to range from 20⁰C to 28⁰C for April. However, the southern half of the country is likely to be cooler with 18⁰C to 22⁰C temperature ranges, while the northern half expect to experience higher temperatures of 24⁰ to 28⁰.

The above revelations underscore the need for the public to acquaint themselves with precautionary measures to subdue any possible repercussions that always come along with torrential rains. In the same vein, the Agency extended the same advisory to both the agricultural sector and the urban authorities to prepare for the said climate adjustments.


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